Academic Master

History is the study of the past. Events occurring before the invention of writing systems are considered prehistory.

Analyzing and Evaluating the Techniques Used in World War II Propaganda

Propaganda usually considers the dissemination of information, and multiple ideas, even under the blanket of rumors among the general public, for a significant purpose. The same domain was practiced among the masses with a comprehensive collection of transporters during World War II. Such transporters consisted of multiple aspects, including radio, TV, leaflets, play cards and especially posters. These posters attracted the particular attention of the common masses as they have

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Genesis Chapter 3

Fall of the Man is the first ever story of the universe that accounts for the disobedience of Adam and Eve which resulted in the casting out of humankind from the Garden of Eden. “Disobedience” was the first sin committed in the history of humankind that ended the intimate relationship and partnership with God. However, although God casts out Adam and Eve from Heaven to discipline them, he never stopped

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Techniques Used in World War II Propaganda

When World War II broke out in 1939, countries battling began using propaganda to keep citizens focused on strengthening the war effort. Many countries and their allies, including Great Britain, the United States, and China, used various platforms and techniques during the World War II period to spread propaganda to strengthen support for the war. One platform, Great Britain and its allies used to spread propaganda was posters. This article

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History of Tennessee

Early Black Life and Culture Before 1860, free Blacks who lived in Nashville, Tennessee faced difficult circumstances due to severe forms of racism that existed in American society although they challenged the restrictions of slavery as compared to the Blacks living in other parts of the United States. I visited the website and understood the underlying objective that this tour company gives voice to the history of the earliest settlers

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Would paying reparations to African Americans as Ta Nehisi Coates suggests, improve race relations in the U.S

Slavery is an attribute of human life that leaves lasting impacts that continue to further generations even after freedom. In this context, American history has a bleak past to rupture, humiliate and brutally annihilate the Black community[1]. In this way, the white ancestors of modern America who captured and robbed the Blacks have portrayed the worst face among all the human generations to known history. The tales of cruelty and

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Historical Analysis Essay

Question 1: Luther’s Thesis and Threat to the Papacy and Roman Catholic Teachings “Repent,” our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said (Mt 4:17), implying that believers should repent throughout their lives. This thesis is a threat to the pontificate and the Roman Catholic Teaching as it tends to validate the Roman Catholic Church’s fundamental procedures and beliefs. Particularly it challenges the ideology that salvation is earned through good deeds and instead proposes that repentance is vital to salvation. Additionally, the thesis also challenges indulgences procedures, which is

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Historical Analysis Questions Answers

What did Anton Van Leeuwenhoek see with his microscope? Van Leeuwenhoek with the use of his microscope spotted very tiny creatures in rain water. He also made the same observation on lake water. He gave a description of a free-floating green algae on the lake, comprising of spirally wound serpent-like green streaks, spread out in an orderly manner. Van Leeuwenhoek figured the circumference of each of the streaks to be

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Historical Analysis Questions

What conditions or individuals did Richelieu describe as being obstacles to Louis XIII’s exercise of “sovereignty”? Richelieu proved himself as an untiring servant of the French crown by warming his way up the power ladder till he became Louis XIII’s prime minister. Richelieu described the way the nobles carried themselves in a way that portrayed they were not Louis XIII’s subjects who were an obstacle to the majesty’s exercise of

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Western expansion and the Growth of Capitalism in Europe

Please write an essay describing the impact of Western expansion and the Growth of Capitalism in Europe.  Your essay should draw upon at least FOUR primary sources—which can include texts discussed in this module and works of art from the resources listed above—to describe at least ONE aspect of these developments that you consider to be negative and at least ONE aspect of these developments that you consider to be

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The American Civil War, Controversial Historical Event

Introduction Human history is marred with conflict and war. As humans have evolved so has warfare. If the earliest conflicts were for resources, the modern ones are based on ideologies. War is always surrounded by controversies and hidden agendas (Gates, 2022). Over the years, the United States has been a part of various battles and wars. However, one of the most decisive and controversial of these moments was the Civil

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Who is Paul of Tarsus? What is he known for? Why is he such an important figure for the development of early Christianity?

Emergence of Christianity and Early Christian art Paul Tarsus also referred to as St. Paul, is one of the first renowned evangelists in Christianity who changed his name from Saul. Paul Tarsus is depicted as a Christian persecutor who later transforms after an encounter with God. Paul possesses good knowledge after going through a Hebrew and Greek education system, making him suitable for his role in Christianity. Paul is known

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Compare and contrast the Parthenon of Athens and the Pantheon in Rome in terms of construction, form, function, size, and purpose.

Roman Architecture The ancient architecture was unique depending on the region of origin, bringing out significant differences between the Parthenon and the Pantheon. The first contrasting element is that the Pantheon was constructed to symbolize Rome’s extensive influence. In contrast, the Parthenon was built to represent Greek victory over the Persians (Class notes: Mystery Surrounding the Pantheon Origins). In addition, the Parthenon is in Greece, whereas the Pantheon is in

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Who is Octavian and how does he come to power? What are some of the things Octavian does once he is in power? What is the importance of the Augustus of Primaporta? Why is Octavian so important for Roman history and Roman culture?

Octavian is the most reputable ancient Roman rulers who was Caesar’s adopted heir and great-nephew. Octavian’s leading role came into effect after Julius Caesar’s death resulting from an army advancement led by Gaius Cassius and Marcus Junius Brutus. Consequently, Octavian joined forces with Mark Anthony to destroy Gaius and Marcus’s forces and reclaim Rome. Octavian was Rome’s outright ruler between 27 BCE-14 CE after several years of serving as consul.

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Controversial Historical Event

The American Civil War Introduction Over the years, the United States has been a part of various battles and wars. However, one of the most decisive and controversial of these moments was the Civil War. Fought between the southern and the northern states of America after the Confederate States (southern) separated from the Union (northern). Segregation occurred after Abraham Lincoln’s presidency. The Confederates fought to maintain their freedom. The war

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How was Germany’s so-called “Schlieffen Plan” supposed to work in 1914, and what were the major reasons for its failure?

General Alfred Von Schlieffen invented and acknowledged the “Schlieffen Plan” in December 1905 as a key strategy in World War I for the Germans as a backup system to help them win if they had a war with Russia and France. In actuality, the plan was created to wipe out France from the war to avoid the Germans fighting on the two fronts. The Schlieffen plan allowed Germany to invade

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What factors were behind the lengthy stalemate on the Western Front during the First World War, and why was it so difficult for the combatant armies to achieve a decisive victory?

Stalemate during World War I on the Western front was developed because no action was taken and no progress was made at the line of trenches that were stretched from the Swiss Alps. Those trenches were built all the way across France to Belgium which along with the developments in weaponry were the factors that contributed to the stalemate on the western front. The race for the mechanized weapons for

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The invention of new types of weapons in the early 20th century led to the development in the 1920s of new theories of warfare based on these weapons. Discuss this phenomenon with respect to either tanks or bomber aircraft.

The invention and appearance of novel and different types of weapons in the early 20th century turned away the armies from reliance on horses on the battlefield and the new weapons with advanced technology were routinely included in the warfare journeys to the modern world. Fixed-wing bomber aircraft, tanks, railway guns, gas masks, etc were the technological developments in the arena of military weapons that helped bring the battle lines

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Greco-Roman Legacy

I think the Greco-Roman cultural legacy “died” during the medieval period and then was revived during the Renaissance (Nicolo 1505). The Medieval, also known as the middle Ages, lasted from the 5th century to the late 15th century and was very similar to pre-classic world history. The collapse of the Western Roman Empire marked the Renaissance and Age of Discovery. This paper explains the Greco-Roman Legacy. Cultural, social, religious, and

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Post-Revolutionary America as a Land of Opportunity, Liberty, and Oppression

Perhaps the most passionately contested topic of the great American Revolution is how it impacted ordinary lives. Much of the contestation focuses on how the revolution secured the independence of one big but united nation. Each of the various states would have followed the example of other British colonies and chosen to be independent. Instead, the country in the declaration of independence emerged as one united country whose model has

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The 14th-Century Crisis and how Europe revived after those Devastating Crises

The 14th century in world history is the time of great human suffering as the series of devastative events such as the Black Death and the consequences of the crisis of the late Middle Ages crept their way across Western Europe that ended European stability. This essay answers the set of questions related to the 14th-century crisis and how Europe revived after those devastating crises. Question no. 01: Provide a

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